新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传国安有意拉斯-迪亚拉,或需为其支付千万欧罚款


Pass the national security to lars - lassana diarra, or need to pay for its do the fine

2017-02-08 14:12:22来源: 华体网

足球2月8日讯 据法国媒体《score》报道,北京国安有望引进效力于法甲马赛的中场拉斯-迪亚拉,不过引进他需要为其支付1000万欧元的罚款,以及300万到500万欧元的转会费。 报道称,拉斯-迪亚...

Football on February 8, French media reported "score", Beijing guoan is expected to introduce Yu Fajia marseille midfielder ras - lassana diarra, but the introduction of he needs to pay the fine of 10 million euros, and transfer fee of 3 million to 5 million euros. According to the report, lars - dia...