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传吴宗宪有小三妻吞药送医 张葳葳低调否认

Chuan Wu three wives swallowing a small hospital Zhang Weiwei understated deny

2013-06-13 11:02:40来源: 中国青年网

中新网6月13日电 据台湾“苹果日报网”即时消息,综艺天王吴宗宪近年转战内地淘金,媒体报导吴宗宪和上海名媛程新惠一起合伙LED事业,2人搞暧昧,和他结婚23年的妻子张葳葳传5月初时,疑吞药过量被送急诊。对此,张葳葳低调避谈小三,指自己是就医追踪癌细胞。 昨天张葳葳受访时难得开口澄清,...

BEIJING, June 13, according to Taiwan, "Apple Daily" Instant messaging, Arts King Wu moved to the mainland in recent years, gold, media reports and Shanghai socialite Wu Cheng Xinhui LED business partnership together, two people flirt, married for 23 years and his wife Zhang Weiwei pass early May, suspected overdose Tunyao sent emergency. In this regard, Zhang Weiwei said nothing about the small three low profile means that he is a doctor to track cancer cells. Zhang Weiwei yesterday, opening a rare interview to clarify ...