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Christy Tan who love Stephen: Maybe they chase me, I did not feel

2013-06-03 19:26:12来源: 中国青年网

合影 现场 钟丽缇 钟丽缇现身 嘉宾 腾讯娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,“女神”钟丽缇日前陪好朋友戴爱玲上中天《康熙来了》宣传新专辑《想你的距离》,女神光临《康熙来了》,马上成为访问焦点,小s吐槽戴爱玲:“你约她来,对你专辑是有帮助的吗?”全场笑翻,小s更引颈期盼这一天,她说:“我...

photo scene Christy Christy guest appearance LOS ANGELES According to Taiwan media reports, the "Goddess" Christy recently accompanied a friend Dai Ailing transit "Kangxi" promote the new album "Want your distance," Goddess visit "Kangxi", immediately became the focus of access, small s tucao Video search: "? you about her, the album is for you to help you," the audience Xiaofan, small s more eagerly awaited this day, she said: "I ...