新关注 > 信息聚合 > WPC公布无线充电新标准 充电速度提升

WPC公布无线充电新标准 充电速度提升

WPC announced new standards for wireless charging charging speed increase

2015-06-27 06:02:09来源: 中关村在线

据外媒Pocketnow报道,无线充电联盟WPC公布了一套新的无线充电标准,希望借此大幅提升无线充电的速度。 WPC公布无线充电新标准 充电速度提升(图片来自Pocketnow) 作为WPC的...

PocketNow according to foreign media reports, wireless charging WPC Union announced the a new wireless charging standard, hoping to increase the speed of wireless charging. WPC announced the new standard charging charging speed (photo from Pocketnow) as WPC...

标签: PC