新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英足总将调查水晶宫球迷闯入球场怒斥球员事件


The fa will investigate crystal palace fans broke into the stadium thundered against players

2017-02-08 01:26:07来源: 华体网

足球2月7日讯 《伦敦晚旗报》消息,英足总将调查水晶宫球迷闯入场内怒斥水晶宫后卫德拉尼的事件。 在本轮英超联赛水晶宫0-4不敌桑德兰的比赛中,一名水晶宫球迷冲入场内怒斥水晶宫球员德拉尼。阿勒代斯在...

Football on February 7th the London evening standard newspaper news, the fa will investigate crystal palace fan into the court at crystal palace guard Mr. Delaney. In the crystal palace in the premier league defeat to sunderland 0 to 4, a crystal palace fan into the court at crystal palace player Mr. Delaney. Allardyce in...