新关注 > 信息聚合 > 唐嫣点评明星校花 称章子怡远胜赵薇刘亦菲(图)

唐嫣点评明星校花 称章子怡远胜赵薇刘亦菲(图)

Comments Tang Yan Xiaohua said the star Zhang Ziyi Zhao Wei Liu Yifei far better (Figure)

2014-03-18 13:59:39来源: 中国青年网

唐嫣 明星校花 近日,女星唐嫣做客某访谈节目,在现场发表了一番关于明星校花的评比言论,在网上引起了巨大的争议。身为中戏前校花的她,被主持人问起关于历届校花的问题时,唐嫣兴致勃勃的对章子怡、赵薇、刘亦菲等各大明星校花做起了评比,坚称章子怡远胜赵薇、刘亦菲。 因为唐嫣是中戏02级的...

star Tang Yan Xiaohua Recently, actress Tang Yan a talk show guest, at the scene made some remarks about the star rating Xiaohua, caused a huge online controversy. As the play before school beauty when she was asked questions about the past Xiaohua moderator, Tang Yan spirits of major star Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Wei, Liu Yifei, such as the start of the school beauty competitions, insisting that much better than Zhang Ziyi Zhao Wei, Liu Yifei. Because Tang Yan is in play 02's ...