新关注 > 信息聚合 > PSVR即将全新供货 或将在2017 Q1突破百万销量

PSVR即将全新供货 或将在2017 Q1突破百万销量

PSVR is coming to new supply or will break through millions of sales at 2017 Q1.

2017-01-10 00:27:38来源: 新浪

市场分析机构SuperData Research在CES 2017大会上发布了一份关于VR销售情况的报告。索尼尚未公布任何关于PSVR的销售数据,YiVian在去年曾报道说索尼只是表示卖出了“许多个...

SuperData Research, a market analyst, released a report on the sale of VR at the CES 2017 conference. SONY has not released any sales data for PSVR. YiVian reported last year that SONY just said it sold many "..."

标签: PS VR