新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宁波发布25条“人才新政”:给顶尖人才300万元安..


Ningbo release 25 "talents of the new deal": to top talent 300 million yuan on..

2015-08-14 09:42:07来源: 和讯网

“向人才推出3H(Housing住房、Home家庭、Health健康)工程,涵盖住房、落户、教育、医疗、社会保障等问题,让人才在宁波生活更加便捷舒适、创业创新更有信心。” 昨天,宁波召开全市人才...

"to talent introduction of 3H (housing housing, home and family, health health) project, covering housing, settled, education, health care, social security and other issues, and let talent in Ningbo life more convenient and comfortable, entrepreneurship and innovation have more confidence." Yesterday, the city held the Ningbo talent...