新关注 > 信息聚合 > KD大学轰轰烈烈姐弟恋曝光 对方现在大红大紫

KD大学轰轰烈烈姐弟恋曝光 对方现在大红大紫

KD university asked exposure each other now performed with a bang

2017-06-03 07:39:00来源: 新浪国内新闻


Beijing time on June 3, according to us weekly reports, the warriors of all-star forward Kevin durant is a famous rich singles in the league, his emotional life which has been attracting the attention of the outside world. Recently, durant was suddenly exposed love stories in college, and university of his girlfriend a walk-over. Learned, durant university girlfriend named Rachel - lindsay, her identity is the reality dating chief in the single woman woman.