新关注 > 信息聚合 > APP经济:苹果已向开发商支付700多亿美元


The APP economy: apple has to developers pay more than $700

2017-06-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据英国《每日邮报》6月1日报道,苹果公司表示已支付开发商700多亿美元。仅在过去12个月中,App下载量已增加70%,游戏和娱乐类程序带来收入最多,其中照片和视频类别下载量增加近90%。 该消息在苹果全球开发者大会前流出,苹果公司全球市场营销高级副总裁菲利普·席勒(Philip Schiller)表示,世界各地的人们都喜欢应用程序,用户正以创纪录的速度下载。开发商赚取了700亿美元,这个消息令人振奋。 苹果表示,游戏和娱乐类别中的应用程序带来的收入最多,主要来自流行的免费增值游戏,包括内部程序购买以及内容订阅。同时,照片及视频类别程序在2016年发展最为迅猛,增幅接近90%。App ...

On June 1, according to the daily mail reported that the company says it has paid developers more than $700. In the past 12 months alone, the App downloads have increased by 70%, game and entertainment programs bring most revenue, including photos and video category downloads increased nearly 90%. The message out in front of the apple worldwide developers conference, apple's senior vice President of global marketing Philip Schiller said Philip Schiller, people from all over the world like the application, the user is at a record pace to download. Developers have earned $70 billion, the exciting news. Apple said, games and entertainment category of the application to bring in the most revenue, mainly from the popular free value-added game, including internal procedure to buy, and subscriptions. At the same time, pictures and video type program in 2016 years the most dramatic development, growth of close to 90%. The App...

标签: APP 苹果