新关注 > 信息聚合 > 月薪3000为啥非要买iPhone 6?无言以对

月薪3000为啥非要买iPhone 6?无言以对

Why not buy a monthly salary of 3000 to 6 iPhone?

2015-05-06 11:27:55来源: TechWeb

你能想像吗?5288元起的iPhone 6在国内都是街机的角色了,这是多么夸张的事情。 库克说过,中国对于苹果是一个异常重要的市场,当然最给力的还是大家的购买热情。回到iPhone 6上,5288...

can you imagine? 5288 yuan iPhone 6 in the country are arcade character, this is how exaggerated things. Cook said, China is a very important market for apple, of course, the most awesome or people buying enthusiasm. Back to iPhone 6, 5288...