新关注 > 信息聚合 > 运用创造性思维加强青少年法治教育


Use creative thinking to strengthen teenagers education under the rule of law

2017-02-05 09:03:19来源: 中国网

当前我国正处在推进全面依法治国的关键时期,进一步增强青少年学法、守法、用法的法治意识是推动法治中国建设的重要环节。如何运用法治思维更好地加强青少年法治教育,是当前全社会面临的共同话题。 随着我国...

The current our country is in the key period to promote comprehensive law, further strengthen the rule of law consciousness of the youth research method, law-abiding, usage is an important link in promoting the rule of law in China construction. How to apply the rule of law thinking to better strengthen the rule of law education, is the common issue facing the whole society. Along with our country...