新关注 > 信息聚合 > A股节后9天已有7例举牌(附名单及特征分析)


A-share market after 9 days for seven name card (attached list) and characteristics analysis

2016-10-21 08:14:17来源: 新浪

国庆节后,A股延续箱式震荡态势,在平淡的市场下却暗流涌动:上市公司频繁被举牌。iFinD统计数据显示,以上市公司公告时间来计算,国庆节后短短9个交易日里,就有7家公司公告被举牌。 密集举牌潮仍在延...

After National Day, a-share market continued box-type volatility, under the market of plain but undercurrent: listed companies frequently raised. IFinD statistics show that, in time to calculate, the listed company announcement in just nine days after the National Day, there are seven companies acknowledged by raising. Intensive raising tide is still delay...