新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【光明图刊】深山里的年轻公益摄影师


[light figure journal] 3, in the mountains of the young public photographers

2015-05-27 12:12:04来源: 中国网

2015年1月3日,四川省大凉山,赵明走在拍摄的路上。(韦鹏摄/光明图片) 3年,4进大山深处,400多个家庭,10万次快门,免费拍摄2000多张全家福,这是23岁的山东聊城大学生赵明的大学成绩...

2015 in January, Sichuan Province Liangshan, Zhao go shooting on the road. (Peng Wei camera / light pictures) for 3 years, 4 into the depths of the mountains, more than 400 families, 10 million times the shutter, free shot more than 2000 photo of the whole family, which is 23 years old of Shandong Liaocheng University Zhao college grades.