新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高清:金沙滩啤酒城美食节开幕 国内外美食亮相

高清:金沙滩啤酒城美食节开幕 国内外美食亮相

HD: Jinshatan Beer City Food Festival opens at home and abroad

2017-01-31 13:46:25来源: 大众网

青岛新闻网1月30日讯 (记者 陈志伟)今天,汇聚世界各地美食的美食节在金沙滩美食节盛大开启。此次美食节,不仅有美国、巴西、印度、西班牙、韩国、日本、泰国等各国风情70多种美食亮相,还有正宗可口的港...

Qingdao news network January 30th (reporter Chen Zhiwei) today, the food festival gathered around the world in Jinshatan food festival grand opening. This food festival, not only has the United States, Brazil, India, Spain, South Korea, Japan, Thailand and other countries, such as more than 70 kinds of delicious food, as well as genuine and delicious port.