新关注 > 信息聚合 > 福建客家祖地500多人游300米“巨龙”迎元宵


Fujian Hakka ancestors more than 500 people swim 300 meters, "dragon" Towards Lantern

2013-02-23 05:23:01来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动(0) 2月22日晚,福建省连城县举行游龙活动,500多人举着长365米的“巨龙”在街上游行,迎接元宵节的到来。中新社发 吕明 摄

participate in interactive (0) the evening of February 22, Liancheng County, Fujian Province, held the valley of death events, more than 500 of the 365 m long holding "Dragon" parade through the streets to greet the arrival of the Lantern Festival. Lu Ming agency issued photo