新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阴阳师手游花鸟卷传记解锁方法 解锁条件有哪些

阴阳师手游花鸟卷传记解锁方法 解锁条件有哪些

What are the conditions for unlocking the biographies of the yin-yang masters?

2017-01-03 00:55:35来源: TechWeb

阴阳师花鸟卷传记解锁条件一览,在游戏中花鸟卷的传记解锁难不难呢?有哪些条件呢?下面就跟随小编一起来看一下吧。 传记一 条件:花鸟卷参与30场斗技并取胜 奖励:5000金币

Is it difficult to unlock the biographies of flowers and birds? What are the conditions for it? Let's follow the little editor and look at it. Biography one condition: flower and bird roll participate in 30 skills and win awards: 5000 gold coins.

标签: 手游