新关注 > 信息聚合 > 经典回放!NASA用柯达Ektachrome拍摄照片曝光


Classic replay! NASA took photos with kodak Ektachrome exposure

2017-01-10 02:30:21来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 资讯】CES 2017大会上,柯达公司重新推出Ektachrome经典彩色反转片系列胶片产品,这次经典产品推出让不少摄影爱好者感到很激动,据了解,该款新产品将以35mm的规格发售,并且将于今年四季度上市,为了重温经典,摄影札记整理NASA曾用柯达Ektachrome拍...

PConline information 】 【 CES conference 2017, kodak company relaunched Ektachrome classic color reversal film series of film products, the classic products launched many photography enthusiasts were very excited, it is understood that the new product will be put on sale to the specifications of the 35 mm, and will be listed in the fourth quarter of this year, to revive the classic, photography notes finishing NASA used kodak Ektachrome pat...