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8人轮转PK11人纵队 马刺板凳太豪华看哭快船双星

Eight man rotation PK11 column the Spurs bench too luxurious see cry clippers star Sina

2015-04-29 15:05:03来源: 新浪

马刺的替补深度让保罗格里芬艳羡 新浪体育讯 西部季后赛首轮,洛杉矶快船在主场以107-111负于圣安东尼奥马刺,从而在总比分上以2-3落后。本赛季,快船的阵容深度一直令人感到担心,而他们的板凳球...

San Antonio Spurs reserve depth Paul Griffin envy of sina sports dispatch the Western Conference first round playoff series, Los Angeles Clippers at home to 111-115 lost to the San Antonio Spurs, resulting in the total score to 2-3 after the fall. This season, the Clippers had a depth are concerned, and their bench ball...