新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火影忍者手游A级忍者迪达拉技能介绍


Naruto mobile game class A ninja di dara skills are introduced

2016-04-20 13:24:42来源: TechWeb

火影忍者手游迪达拉是本周五即将推出的新忍者,大家比较好奇他的技能是什么,下面为大家介绍火影忍者手游A级忍者迪达拉技能。 1技能 C1·黏土蜘蛛,外形酷似小型蜘蛛,可爬到人身上进行爆炸 2技能 C2·巨龙用起爆黏土制造出巨型飞龙,飞龙能够吐出起爆黏土进行攻击。 奥义技能 C3·十八号...

Naruto hand YouDi darla is Friday's upcoming new ninja, what is curious about his skills, the following to introduce the naruto mobile game class A ninja di dara skills. 1 skills, C1 clay, spiders, shaped like a small spiders, can climb to the people for explosive 2 skills with initiation of clay, C2 dragon, created a giant dragon, dragon attacks can spit initiation of clay. Meaning skills C3, 18...

标签: 手游