新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《为爱诛仙》今日唱响!《诛仙3》陌上拾年静待君归


"For love," sung today! ", 3 "on the safety ten years waiting for you

2017-10-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

仙音瑶缈,为爱诛仙,陌上拾年,静待君归。“中国新歌声第二季”人气冠军——叶炫清首支游戏主题曲《为爱诛仙》今日首发,助力《诛仙3》10月24日“陌上拾年”新版本发布。在新版本“陌上拾年”中,《诛仙3》对多项游戏内容进行了优化,素时锦年,衣橱改版;帝子来兮,个人乱斗;蓬山仙狱,生存大战,更有两组全系服务器及多项给力活动同步上线,敬请锁定10月24日《诛仙3》“陌上拾年”!不见不散! 【为爱诛仙 今日唱响】 作为“中国新歌声”第二季人气最高的一位学员,叶炫清用她细腻婉约的唱法,给众留下了深刻的印象。叶炫清出生于浙江省绍兴市嵊州市的越剧世家,从小在民乐的熏陶中长大,不仅会唱越剧,还精通竹笛演...

Fairy yao mu mesons, for love, and on the safety ten years, waiting for you. "China's new song" in the second quarter was popular champions - Ye Xuanqing first games theme song "to love," starting today, the power ", 3 "on October 24 new release" on the safety ten years ". In the new version "on the safety ten years", ", 3 "on a number of game content is optimized, element when jin years, wardrobe revision; Emperor the son to xi, personal brawl; Pengshan fairy prison, survival war, more have a whole series of two groups of servers and a number of activities to synchronous online, please lock on October 24, 3 "on the safety ten years!" Be there or be square! To love, Singing 】 today as "China's new song" in the second quarter of one of the most popular students, Ye Xuanqing with her exquisite and graceful and restrained style, to the left a deep impression. Ye Xuanqing was born in shengzhou city, shaoxing city, zhejiang province, shaoxing opera family, grew up in the folk music of edification, and not only can sing yue opera, but also proficient in bamboo flute playing...

标签: 诛仙