新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郑元畅与男星举止亲密陷同志疑云 经纪人否认

郑元畅与男星举止亲密陷同志疑云 经纪人否认

Joe cheng and close comrade in the clouds agent denied actor behavior

2016-08-04 15:13:43来源: 中工网

中新网8月4日电 据台湾“东森新闻”消息,郑元畅(小综)拥有帅气外型,从模特儿界跨足演艺圈后人气直涨,凭着《恶作剧之吻》“直树”一角爆红,剧中时而冷酷时而温暖的帅气形象,迷倒一票女粉丝,感情动向也一...

Beijing, Aug. 4 (xinhua), according to Taiwan's ettv "Joe cheng (small harness) have handsome appearance, from modeling extends straight up after the entertainment industry, with" prank kiss "" tree", in the corner of the play and sometimes cold sometimes warm handsome image, fan pour a female fans, emotional tendency also a...