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In the way the Uber: frequently encountered legal troubles

2015-10-06 17:31:44来源: 亿邦动力网

10月6日,据路透社报道,打车应用鼻祖Uber由于目前在全球主要市场需要应对监管和竞争壁垒等问题,其国际化扩张进程与以前相比似乎成本更高,风险更大。仅仅在上周,先有警察突袭Uber位于荷兰的欧洲总部,后有两位公司高管在法国接受刑事审判,再到巴西里约热内卢对其服务实行禁令,而伦敦和多伦多准备起草新监管法案限制该公司开展业务。Uber所推出的Uber Pop,在美国也被称为Uber X,可以满足私家车向消费者提供拼车服务。不过,目前这项服务在西欧大部分地区已经被取缔。在澳大利亚,Uber虽然受欢迎,但很大程度上是不合法的,其经营模式即将面临数家法院的裁决。与此同时,Uber在中国和其他亚洲国家也面...

10 month 6, Reuters reported, taxi originator Uber due to the current in the world's major markets need to deal with regulation and barriers to competition and other issues, the international expansion process compared with the previous seem to cost more, the greater the risk. Just last week, a police raid on Uber at the European headquarters in Holland, two corporate executives in France to accept the criminal trial, and then to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil to implement a ban on its services, and London and Toronto ready to draft a new regulatory act to limit the company's business. The launch of Uber Uber Pop in America, also known as Uber X, can provide services to meet the consumers of private cars carpooling. However, the service has been banned in most parts of Western Europe. In Australia, Uber, although popular, but largely illegal, its business model is about to face a number of court decisions. At the same time, Uber in China and other Asian countries also face...