新关注 > 信息聚合 > 官方:西布朗和麦克里恩续约至2019年


Official: west brom and McLean's contract until 2019

2016-12-31 03:06:08来源: 华体网

体育12月30日讯 西布朗和队内边锋詹姆斯-麦克里恩签订了新合约。 27岁的麦克里恩曾效力于德里城、桑德兰、维冈竞技等俱乐部,去年夏天他从维冈竞技加盟了西布朗,本赛季,爱尔兰国脚在英超赛场出战了1...

Sports on December 30 - west brom and team winger James McLean signed a new contract. McLean, 27, has also played in derry city, sunderland and wigan athletic club, and last summer he joined the west brom from wigan, the premier league title this season, the Irish international played 1...