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《神武2》手游新服春暖花开明日开启 新角色背景揭秘

"Creature 2" mobile game new spring flowers open tomorrow New character revealed in the background

2017-03-02 12:25:31来源: DoNews

跨平台新服“春暖花开”将于3月3日正式开启。阳春三月芳草长,正是人间看花时。春回大地,万象更新,《神武2》手游也将在2017年3月迎来全新内容。九黎妖族再度入侵,全新角色即将加入主角团队,助力侠士斩妖除魔。全新内容,让我们共同期待!扫描二维码,免费下载《神武2》手游开服信息如下:3月3日星期五12:00安卓、iOS跨平台新服 春暖花开面朝大海 春暖花开“面朝大海,春暖花开”出自诗人海子最有名的一首抒情诗。人生有多种幸福,喂马劈柴的日子是幸福,寄情山水的日子是幸福,和亲朋好友在一起的日子是幸福。在即将到来的温暖三月中,《神武2》手游也将推出全新内容,给玩家来带幸福快乐的游戏体验,让我们一起期待!...

Cross-platform new suit "bloom" will officially open on March 3rd. In march in long, was when the world see flowers. Nor, vientiane update, "creature 2" mobile game will also be in March 2017 for new content. Jiuli demon invasion again, the new leading role will join the team, help outlaw hero from the magic. New content, let's hope! Scan the qr code, free download "creature 2" mobile game open service information is as follows: Friday, March 3, 12:00 android, iOS, cross-platform new suit Spring flowers facing the sea "Facing the sea, bloomy spring bloom" comes from the poet haizi's most famous lyric poem. Have a variety of happiness in life, the day of chopping wood horses is happiness, and the day of the place in landscape is happiness, and relatives and friends in the days of together is happiness. In the upcoming warm march, "creature 2" mobile game will also be new content, to bring players to happy gaming experience, let us together look forward to! ...

标签: 手游