新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你同意吗? 外媒眼中最值得剁手的PSVR首发游戏

你同意吗? 外媒眼中最值得剁手的PSVR首发游戏

Do you agree? Foreign media in the eyes of the most worthy of chop hand PSVR starting the game

2016-10-14 06:32:26来源: 17173

PlayStation VR上的首发游戏阵容非常庞大,如果你有幸购买到了设备,那现在搞不好在纠结到底该入手哪些游戏。虽然笔者目前还没有试玩过所有的PSVR首发游戏,但是其中绝大部分都已经体验过了,希望能给广大的玩家们在游戏的选择上提供一些意见。(文:17173VR魔性小饼干) 最业界良...

PlayStation VR's starting line-up is very large, if you are lucky enough to buy the equipment, and now maybe struggling with what the of the game. Although, at present, the author did not try all PSVR starting the game, but the vast majority of them have experienced, the hope can give the general players to provide some opinions on the choice of the game. (17173 vr ones cookies:) the industry a good...

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