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E-sports investment opportunities?

2017-08-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

导语 电子竞技是这几年来受到关注最多也是发展最快的产业之一,在经济全球化和科技发展的新时代,电脑竞技游戏和手机移动端游戏进入大热阶段。例如腾讯出品的手机游戏《王者荣耀》,在街头角落、楼道、商场门口,处处能见到开黑打王者荣耀的玩家,这款游戏也获得了良好的数据:一个赵云皮肤日流水1.5亿元,注册用户超2亿,日活8000万。 Newzoo数据显示:2017年,全球电子竞技观众将达到3.855亿人,其中包括1.91亿电子竞技迷和1.94亿偶尔收看的观众。到2020年,电子竞技迷数量将增长50%,达到2.86亿人。成为当今人口最大的体育项目。2017年腾讯电竞盈利1亿,2018年完美世界代理的...

Guide language e-sports is most attention over the past few years is also one of the fastest growing industries, in a new era of economic globalization and the development of science and technology, computer games and mobile games into the big stage. For example tencent's mobile phone game, the king of glory at the entrance to the street corner, corridor, shopping malls, everywhere can see open black king glory of players, the game also won the good data: a zhaoyun skin, flowing water of 150 million yuan, more than 200 million registered users, 80 million day live. Newzoo data show that in 2017, the global esports audience will reach 385.5 million people, including 191 million esports fans and 194 million occasionally watch the audience. By 2020, the number of e-sports fan will grow by 50%, to 286 million. As the population's biggest sport. Tencent e-sports 100 million profit in 2017, 2018 agents in a perfect world...

标签: 电竞