新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奥尼尔:麦基若三场不犯错 可免登5期五大囧

奥尼尔:麦基若三场不犯错 可免登5期五大囧

O'neal: if Mcgee does not make mistakes in the three games, he will avoid the 5 phase five.

2016-12-31 13:47:37来源: 华体网

12月31日 自从沙奎尔-奥尼尔退役后,贾维尔-麦基无疑成为了NBA的最大活宝,如今鲨鱼也再度放出话来,如果麦基能够连续三场比赛不出囧闻,那么后者就可以在五期节目里免登“五大囧”。 麦基是“五...

Since the retirement of Shaquille - O'neal in December 31st, Javier - Mcgee has undoubtedly become the NBA's greatest treasure. Now sharks have released a word again. If Mcgee can not be heard in three games in a row, the latter will be able to avoid "five embarrassing" in the five phase. Mcgee is "five..."