新关注 > 信息聚合 > 丁彦雨航未现球队名单中 辽媒:因肠胃不适缺席

丁彦雨航未现球队名单中 辽媒:因肠胃不适缺席

Ding Yanyu liao media: clean air team list absent due to stomach upset

2017-02-08 21:42:31来源: 华体网

北京时间2月8日,2016-17赛季CBA常规赛即将进入第33轮,辽宁男篮将在主场迎战山东男篮。赛前据辽宁媒体报道,丁彦雨航未出现在赛前的球队大名单中,因为肠胃不适,很可能将缺席本场比赛。 今晚...

Beijing time on February 8, 2016-17 season CBA season is about to enter 33 rounds, the liaoning men's basketball team will be in the home game against shandong men's basketball team. Before the match, according to reports in liaoning Ding Yanyu navigation did not appear in the pre-match team roster, because the stomach discomfort, probably will miss the game. Tonight...