新关注 > 信息聚合 > 对话徐宁:文明夹缝中的女性世界(1)(组图)


Dialogue Ning: civilization caught in the female world (1) (Photos)

2016-01-30 03:46:23来源: 搜狐

女塾宏开,为教会女子学校。 徐宁 1978年出生,安徽芜湖人,主要研究方向为区域社会经济史、女性史,在《都市文化研究》等刊物上发表学术论文多篇。现任教于上海师范大学。 《江南女校与江南社会》...

Female Sook macro open for church schools for girls. Ning was born in 1978, Wuhu, Anhui people, the main research directions for regional social and economic history, the history of women in the "urban cultural studies" and other publications published several articles. Currently teaching at Shanghai Normal University. "Girls and Jiangnan Jiangnan society" ...