新关注 > 信息聚合 > 90后漫画师把民宿设计成了艺术之家


The post-90s comic designer has designed the house as a home of Art

2016-10-12 13:31:36来源: 中工网

途家房东蔡资彩 拒绝被别人称作房东、老板和亲的紫菜,既是一位职业漫画师、摄影师和原创设计师,也是一位途家优选商户。依靠大学期间开奶茶店的积蓄作为启动资金,紫菜陆续在厦门开了8间民宿,他的美术专长...

Tsai Cai, a homeowner, refused to be called the landlord, the boss and the family Porphyra. It was a professional comic, photographer and original designer, and also a preferred merchant. Relying on the savings of milk tea shops during the University as a starting point, laver has opened 8 home stay in Xiamen.