新关注 > 信息聚合 > 绝地求生:刺激战场三大阶段重点及手机模拟大师运行攻略


Desperately: stimulate the battlefield three phases focus and mobile simulation master operation strategy

2018-04-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

一、绝地求生:刺激战场三大阶段重点 作为一款逃杀类射击手游,相对于传统的射击对战游戏,更多加入了一些策略类元素。在不同阶段和情况下要做的重点事情不同,做好相应行动方案,才能最后夺得胜利。下面就三个不同阶段的重点做个总结,助大家多多吃鸡,取得好名次。 1.落地起步 从降落到安全区开始缩小可以看做是前期的起步阶段。降落地点的选择一般不建议直接就在行线途径的地方。而是稍微有些距离,存在少量建筑的地区。这些地方不是热门降落地点,不想一些热门资源区,一降落就被一帮人人攻击的可能性会大大降低。例如地图中的废墟、海岛、监狱、洋房、农场等稍微偏僻但是资源相对集中的小建筑群。最好是选择区域内最高的房...

A, desperately: stimulate the battlefield three stages As a fled kill class mobile game shooting, relative to the traditional shooting games, joined the strategies more such elements. In different stages and the focus of the case to do different things, do the action plan, to finally win the victory. Here are the focus of the three different stages to make a summary, help everyone to eat chicken, get good rankings. 1. Started from the land to the landing zone can begin shrinking as early infancy. The choice of landing sites generally already straight line way is not recommended. But slightly distance, there is a small amount of building area. These places are not popular landing site, don't want to some popular resource area, the possibility of a landing was a help everyone attack will be greatly reduced. Such as debris, island on the map, prisons, houses and farm a little remote but small complex resource relatively concentrated. It is best to choose region with the highest room...