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Buy coulibaly blocked, the blues take a fancy to lazio defender

2016-07-24 08:28:25来源: 华体网

由于迟迟没能就库利巴利的转会问题达成一致,因此切尔西又将目标转向了另一名球员,拉齐奥后卫德弗里。 切尔西此前一直在和那不勒斯商讨库利巴利的转会问题,不那不勒斯方面为这名25岁的后卫标价高达4500...

Because he failed to agree on the transfer of coulibaly, so Chelsea target again turned to another player, lazio defender devry. Chelsea had been in Naples, and discuss the transfer of coulibaly, aspects of Naples for the 25-year-old defender price as high as 4500...