新关注 > 信息聚合 > 内心几乎是崩坏的 英雄联盟最令人崩溃现象排名

内心几乎是崩坏的 英雄联盟最令人崩溃现象排名

Heart is almost collapse of the League of legends is the collapse phenomenon ranking

2015-07-30 20:20:48来源: 巴士LOL

英雄联盟中还有那些让人头疼不已内心崩溃的坑爹现象?下面小编就拿自己的排位经历来做一个令人崩溃现象大排名。 10:排位抢位置 5L中单,不辅助!在游戏排位中,在ban选人阶段5L队友要位置是相当常见的现象,有些玩家为了团队的和谐自觉让出位置,而有些玩家不太信任队友的能力,为了保险期...

heroes of the alliance and the people a headache inner collapse pit father phenomenon? The following small series to take their own ranks of the experience to do a collapse of the phenomenon of large rankings. 10: Qualifying grab position 5L, does not help! In the game in qualifying, in ban selection stage 5L teammates to position is a fairly common phenomenon, some players to team harmony consciously conceded the position, and some players don't trust his teammates to insurance...

标签: 英雄联盟