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WOW 7.0恶魔术神器演示:不用手拿 自己能动

WOW 7.0 Devil surgery artifact presentation: do not hand themselves active

2016-02-19 08:38:32来源: 环球网

在《WOW》7.0的神器中,恶魔术的神器别具一格,堪称目前最为神奇的神器:一颗漂浮的恶魔头颅。玩家无需手持,它自己就可以在玩家身边漂浮。并且随着神器的升级,相信你会对该神器的造型产生一种似曾相识的感觉。 《WOW》7.0恶魔术神器:

In the "WOW" Artifact 7.0, the devil surgery artifact unique, it is by far the most magical artifact: a floating demon skull. Players do not need to hand, you can float in its own player side. And with the upgrade artifact, I believe you will have a familiar feel to the artifact shape. "WOW" 7.0 Devil surgery Artifact: