新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拳头公司高度褒扬Lustboy:他是胜利背后的男人


Fist, highly praised Lustboy: he is the man behind the success

2015-04-14 17:22:39来源: 巴士LOL

在10000名观众与前队友前,Lustboy高举奖杯,与TSM一起度过了IEM最激动人心的时刻。作为北美领头羊的辅助,这位社交宠儿确实值得开心, 哪怕是姗姗来迟的冠军。 在2001年7岁的Lustboy首次接触到了PC游戏:星际争霸。因为年代久远,他无法打上属于自己的烙印,“我确实喜...

in 10000 people with former teammate, Lustboy holding the trophy, together with the TSM through the IEM the most exciting moment. As North American leader, the social pet is happy, even the title be long in coming. In 2001 at the age of 7 Lustboy for the first time in contact with the PC game: StarCraft. Because of the age, he can not play their own brand, "I really like...