新关注 > 信息聚合 > 畅享白色情人节福利 《吞噬苍穹》开新战区

畅享白色情人节福利 《吞噬苍穹》开新战区

Enjoy the White Valentine's Day "devour" open new welfare sky theater

2015-03-12 15:32:07来源: 天极网

极至飞空、玩仙大作《吞噬苍穹》已开启极至内测,本周五双线二区新服“万仙归墟”开放,开测福利停不下来。元宵节的脚步刚刚离开,本周就迎来了植树节与白色情人节的拜访。吞噬大陆准备了一大波丰厚的福利与活动,让各位仙友们驰骋天地、享受极致玩仙的快感。 《吞噬苍穹》最新客户端,点击下载>>(ht...

extreme flying empty, play the fairy masterpiece "devour sky" has opened the extreme online, this Friday double zone two new clothes "angle to the market" open, open test welfare can not stop. The Lantern Festival footsteps had just left, this week will usher in a visit arbor day and white valentine's day. Phagocytosis, prepared with a wave of generous welfare activities, let you enjoy the ultimate world Xianyou they gallop, play the fairy pleasure. "Devour sky" new client, click download (HT > >...