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The former Assassin's Creed beauty producer Jade on crazy game industry

2015-03-04 14:57:35来源: 新浪

前育碧多伦多工作室主管,业界著名的美女制作人Jade Raymond日前接受了外媒Polygon的专访。在本次采访中,她谈到当初来到游戏行业,和最近离开育碧的原因,她表示,游戏业持续疯狂的发展是最吸引她的地方。 “我之所以进入游戏行业,是因为它至今仍是无法定义的,而且总是在持续的、疯...

former Ubisoft Toronto studio director, the industry's well-known beauty producer Jade Raymond recently accepted an exclusive interview with foreign media Polygon. In this interview, she talked about when I first came to the game industry, and recently left Ubisoft reasons, she says, the development of the game industry continues to crazy is the most attract her place. "The reason I enter the game industry, because it is still not defined, but always being sustained, crazy...

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