新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一周新闻评论:这高达游戏怎么那么像《守望先锋》?【VG聊天室458】


One week's news review: how can this game be so much like "watch the vanguard"【 VG chat room 458]

2021-07-17 14:00:05来源: 游戏时光

VG聊天室已登录各大FM平台。本期节目链接:喜马拉雅FM|荔枝|B站|网易云音乐音频:视频:参与人:Lost、FJ、苏活OP:閃光 - [Alexandros]ED:20200723zr - 澤野弘之本期听点:00:04:07:09 重点新闻回顾00:07:52:23 菲尔·斯宾塞先生又说了一堆骚话00:08:54:24 《幽灵线 东京》延期至2022年初期发售00:20:59:06 免费FPS游戏《高达 进化》公开,2022年登陆PC00:30:34:12 《战地2042》支持跨平台联机,玩家或可与127名AI游玩00:42:12:01 《三国志14》将推出管人品牌彩虹社联动武将00:49:53:02 《GTA Online》即将更新00:57:06:16 生活上的一些事情

VG chat room has been logged into major FM platforms. Link: FM | lychee | B station in Himalayas | Netease cloud music audio: Video: Participants: lost, FJ Suhuo OP: flash - [Alexandros] ed: 20200723zr - listening point of this issue: 00:04:07:09 key news review 00:07:52:23 Phil Spencer added a lot of coquettish remarks 00:08:54:24 "ghost line Tokyo" postponed to early 2022 release 00:20:59:06 free FPS game "gaodajinhua" open, landing in 2022 pc00:30:34:12 "battlefield 2042" support cross platform online, Players may be able to play with 127 AI 00:42:12:01 "Three Kingdoms 14" will launch management brand rainbow Club linkage general 00:49:53:02 "GTA online" will be updated 00:57:06:16 some things in life & amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;

标签: 游戏 守望先锋