新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本一旅行游戏《风雨来记4》未来将推出四个新地点DLC


Four new locations of DLC will be launched in the future

2021-07-22 12:47:18来源: 游戏时光

日本一旗下旅游恋爱AVG系列新作《风雨来记4》已于 7 月 8 日登陆 PS4 与 Switch 平台,游戏将带给玩家 360 度游览岐阜县的体验,并和多位女孩发展出亲密关系。官方宣布本作未来将陆续推出 4 弹 DLC 内容,前往日本的其它县市旅行。 新推出的 DLC 每弹都包含两个地区,分别为静冈和长野、富山和石川、福井和滋贺、三重和爱知,不过 DLC 推出时间和售价详情尚未公布。 来源:gematsu

Japan's AVG series of travel and love new work "wind and rain to remember 4" has landed on PS4 and switch platform on July 8. The game will bring players a 360 degree experience of visiting Gifu county and develop close relationships with many girls. The official announced that this work will launch four DLC content in the future and travel to other counties and cities in Japan.

标签: 游戏