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【福利】Roguelike游戏《终极神秘古域 混沌洞穴》官中现已上线

[welfare] roguelike game "the ultimate mysterious ancient chaotic cave" is now online

2021-04-23 16:15:35来源: 游戏时光

经典 Rougelike 游戏《神秘古域》的续作《终极神秘古域 混沌洞穴》于今年 2 月在 Steam 平台【传送门】开启抢先体验。游戏在今日正式更新官方中文支持,并开启八折促销,目前售价 56 元。游戏介绍:《终极神秘古域 混沌洞穴》是 1994 年发售并曾被称为“史上最成功的 Roguelike游戏之一”的《神秘古域》系列新作,这款新作采用了 Unity 引擎制作,并优化了游戏控制,使其更符合现代操作习惯,同时在游戏内容上增加了新种族和新事件,以及保留了原作中丰富的场景互动和角色行为。 游戏海量的英文文本或许在此前劝退了一些玩家,这次更新中文,大家终于能顺畅体验本作了。 福利:在本文留言,我们将随机抽取三位评论的玩家送出本作的 Steam 激活码一枚。

The sequel of the classic rougelike game mysterious ancient domain, the ultimate mysterious ancient domain chaotic cave, opened the preemptive experience on the steam platform [portal] in February this year. The official Chinese support for the game was officially updated today, and a 20% discount was launched. The current price is 56 yuan. Introduction to the game: the ultimate mysterious ancient domain chaotic cave is a new series of mysterious ancient domain released in 1994 and once known as "one of the most successful roguelike games in history". This new series is produced by unity engine, and the game control is optimized to make it more in line with modern operating habits. At the same time, new races and new events are added to the game content, As well as retaining the rich scene interaction and role behavior in the original& amp; nbsp; The massive English text of the game may have dissuaded some players before. This time, we will be able to experience this work smoothly& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Welfare: in this message, we will randomly select three players to send a steam activation code.

标签: 游戏