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Ubisoft multiplayer FPS "xdefiant" weapon HD detail display announced

2021-08-10 09:09:10来源: 游戏时光

育碧放出了旗下汤姆·克兰西宇宙免费多人 FPS《XDefiant》的武器展示宣传片,展示了玩家在封闭测试中可以使用的 9 种武器。《XDefiant》汇集了《细胞分裂》《幽灵行动》和《全境封锁》主题的角色,预计登录 PS5/PS4/Xbox Series/Xbox One/PC/Luna/Stadia 平台,支持跨平台联机。视频地址

Ubisoft released the weapon display video of its Tom Clancy universe free multiplayer FPS "xdefiant", showing 9 weapons that players can use in closed test《 Xdefiant brings together the characters with the themes of cell division, operation ghost and blockade across the border. It is expected to log in to the ps5 / PS4 / Xbox series / Xbox one / PC / Luna / stadia platform and support cross platform online. Video address

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