新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼:光驱版PS5定价499美元不再是亏本销售


Sony: the CD-ROM ps5 is priced at $499, which is no longer a loss

2021-08-05 10:00:16来源: 游戏时光

索尼昨日公布了 2021-2022 财年第一季度财报,宣布 PS5 累计出货量达 1010 万台,PS4 累计出货量达 1.164 亿台。而据彭博社报道,索尼首席财务官十时裕树表示,光驱版 PS5 定价 499 美元已经不再是亏本销售。十时裕树透露,自 PS5 于 2020 年 11 月正式上市,售价 499 美元的光驱版 PS5 终于实现了不以低于成本的价格销售,索尼也因此上调了财年收益的预期。尽管如此,若想要售价 399 美元的数字版 PS5 实现盈利,那还需要一段时间,不过目前售卖数字版 PS5 带来的损失都可以由 PS4、PS VR 及其他外设的持续销售来弥补。作为参考,此前索尼花了几年时间才让 PS3 不再亏本销售,而 PS4 则在发售 6 个月内就实现了盈利。截至今年 6 月 30 日,Xbox S

Sony yesterday announced the first quarter financial report of fiscal year 2021-2022, announcing that the cumulative shipment of ps5 reached 10.1 million units and that of PS4 reached 116.4 million units. According to Bloomberg, Sony's chief financial officer Yushu Shishi said that the CD-ROM ps5 priced at $499 is no longer at a loss. Shishi Yushu revealed that since the ps5 was officially launched in November 2020, the $499 CD-ROM ps5 has finally been sold at a price not lower than the cost, and Sony has raised its revenue forecast for the fiscal year. Nevertheless, it will take some time for the digital ps5 priced at $399 to make a profit. However, the losses caused by the current sale of the digital ps5 can be made up by the continuous sales of PS4, PS VR and other peripherals. As a reference, it took Sony several years before the PS3 was no longer sold at a loss, while the PS4 was profitable within six months of its launch. As of June 30 this year, Xbox s

标签: PS 索尼