新关注 > 信息聚合 > 行业大佬:Steam掌机不太可能兼容游戏库所有游戏


Industry leaders: steam handheld is unlikely to be compatible with all games in the game library

2021-09-08 10:24:25来源: 游戏时光

Valve 在今年 7 月公布了掌机 Steam Deck,当时开发者在后续采访中提到「想让 Steam 库中的所有游戏都切实可玩」「尚未发现这台设备无法运行的东西」,让许多持观望态度的玩家精神为之一振。不过根据近日一位行业大佬的说法,开发者的说法可能引起了大家的误解,Steam 掌机实际并不能跑库里的所有游戏。该说法来自软件开发公司 CodeWeavers 的总裁 James B. Ramey,他在近期参加的一档播客节目中谈到了这个问题。这位大佬可不是什么无关人士。Steam 掌机的系统本质上是个定制的 Linux 系统,为了让无法在普通 Linux 上运行的 Windows 程序在其中正常运行,需要在系统加入一个名为 Proton 的兼容层。而这个 Proton,正是由 CodeWeavers 和 Valv

Valve announced the handheld steam deck in July this year. At that time, the developer mentioned in a follow-up interview that "he wanted to make all the Games in the steam library playable" and "he has not found anything that this device can't run", which boosted the spirit of many wait-and-see players. However, according to a recent industry leader, the developer's statement may have caused misunderstanding. Steam handheld actually can't run all the Games in the library. This statement comes from James B. Ramey, President of Codeweavers, a software development company. He talked about this issue in a recent podcast. This big man is not an irrelevant person. The steam handheld system is essentially a customized Linux system. In order to make windows programs that cannot run on ordinary Linux run normally, a compatibility layer named proton needs to be added to the system. And this proton was created by Codeweavers and valv

标签: 游戏 Steam