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Where is the fun of death circle?

2021-09-19 10:11:17来源: 游戏时光

《死亡循环》到底好玩在哪?9月13日,《死亡循环》媒体评分出炉。超高的评分、大量的满分以及部分“最好的游戏”的标题震撼众多玩家朋友,纷纷好奇这究竟是个什么鬼。经过十小时的体验后,我认为自己理解了《死亡循环》的精妙与优雅所在。这不是一篇评测,没有那么多术语,没有那么多细节,我只是想通过尽可能直接的方式,与各位讨论《死亡循环》到底好玩在哪。现在,让我们开始循环。肉眼可见《死亡循环》到底好玩在哪?按照常理,我本应在此大谈特谈《死亡循环》的声画表现,向大家描述本作主舞台黑礁岛的风景有多么清爽与迷人;强调和 MachineGames 合作《德军总部 新血脉》后,Arkane 作品打枪体验的显著提升……诸如此类。蛮好看但这或许不是你此时此刻最想看到的东西。当然,与世隔绝的黑礁岛在 Void 引擎加持下呈现出一丝凄凉与压抑,

Where is the fun of death circle? On September 13, the media score of death cycle was released. Super high scores, a large number of full marks and the titles of some "best games" shocked many players and friends, wondering what the hell this is. After ten hours of experience, I think I understand the subtlety and elegance of the death cycle. This is not a review. There are not so many terms and details. I just want to discuss with you where the death cycle is fun as directly as possible. Now, let's start the cycle. With the naked eye, where is the fun of the death cycle? According to common sense, I should have talked about the sound and painting performance of the cycle of death, and described to you how refreshing and charming the scenery of Heijiao Island, the main stage of this work; It emphasizes that the shooting experience of arkane's works has been significantly improved after cooperating with machinegames on the new blood of German headquarters... And so on. It's nice, but maybe it's not what you want to see at the moment. Of course, the isolated black reef island shows a trace of desolation and depression under the blessing of void engine,