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《怪物猎人 崛起》PC版实机游玩视频公布

"Rise of Monster Hunter" PC version real game video released

2021-10-02 20:00:57来源: 游戏时光

IGN 日本今日公布了《怪物猎人 崛起》PC 版实机游玩视频。视频中展示了游玩和画面设置的内容,游戏能够在 1080P 分辨率下以 60 帧流畅运行,图形质量与加载速度也有所提升。视频地址 《怪物猎人 崛起》PC 版将于 2022 年 1 月 13 日登陆 Steam 平台,包含目前已更新的多个内容,并针对 PC 版添加了多个新特性,包含有 4K 解析度、高清晰度纹理、高帧率格式、语音聊天、超宽屏显示和键鼠操作优化。

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Ign Japan today announced the PC version of the real game video of the rise of monster hunter. The video shows the content of play and picture setting. The game can run smoothly at 60 frames at 1080p resolution, and the graphics quality and loading speed are also improved. Video address & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The PC version of monster hunter rise will be launched on steam platform on January 13, 2022. It contains many updated contents, and adds many new features for the PC version, including 4K resolution, high-definition texture, high frame rate format, voice chat, ultra widescreen display and key and mouse operation optimization.