在经历了4天的休息后,2015世界总决赛淘汰赛阶段的比赛将于今天晚上燃起战火。从小组赛中脱颖而出的八支战队将为了晋级下一轮展开激烈的战斗,目前八强战队里来自欧洲和台湾的战队各两支,韩国战队依然强势,他们三支战队全部突围,而之前被寄予厚望的中国战队仅有EDG一支队伍打进八强。 OG对阵F...
after 4 days of rest, the 2015 world finals elimination stage of the game will be on the evening of ignited the flames of war. From the group stage to the fore of the eight teams will be in order to qualify for the next round of expansion fierce fighting, the eight team from Europe and Taiwan team and two branch, the South Korean team is still strong, their third team all break out of an encirclement, and prior to being placed high hopes the Chinese team only EDG a team into the quarter finals. OG against F...