《巫师3:狂猎》自发售以来推出了大量免费DLC(目前共计16个),其中游戏的新游戏+模式也随着最近一部免费DLC的上市而到来。有着“业界良心”之称的波兰游戏开发商CDProjektRed曾多次公开表示:游戏DLC应该免费!现在他们又对DLC问题重申了新的表态。 CDPR说他们希望其他工...
The Witcher 3: mad hunt for "since launch launched the a large number of free DLC (currently a total of 16), including the game new game + mode also with a recent free DLC listed come. Has "industry conscience," said the Poland game developer CDProjektRed has repeatedly said: the game DLC should be free of charge! And now they have a new position on the DLC issue. CDPR says they want other workers...