新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻神域8月20日七夕活动 4星绝剑限时兑换

梦幻神域8月20日七夕活动 4星绝剑限时兑换

Never dream of God domain August 20, Tanabata activities 4 Sword limited exchange

2015-08-20 11:31:18来源: 4399

梦幻神域七夕活动更新啦~本次活动将开放玩家期待已久的神将绝剑哦~不仅如此,勋章、翅膀、史诗武器更是送不停呢~一起来看看都有哪些活动吧~ 【活动一:限时神剑】 活动时间:2015.8.20日 通过限时神将活动,达到一定积分可激活相应文字(剑、技、无、双),每激活一个字都有对应宝箱奖励...

dream God domain Tanabata activities update! ~ the event will be open to players awaited God sword Oh ~ not only so, medal, wings, epic weapons is to send non-stop ~ together to look at what it ~ [A: Sword of limit] time: on the 2015.8.20 through the limit to the activities of God to certain integral can activate the corresponding text (sword, technology, no, double, activates a word have corresponding reward chest...