新关注 > 信息聚合 > 时间对于B站而言,既是毒药也是解药 | Bilibili的下半场

时间对于B站而言,既是毒药也是解药 | Bilibili的下半场

The time for the B station, the second half is also | Bilibili poison antidote

2018-03-30 21:29:00来源: 品途网


Yesterday night, Bilibili was officially listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, with a trading code of BILI, issuing price of ADS11.50 dollars per share, and planned IPO financing of 483 million dollars. Behind the dazzling goal, we have to face the reality - the business model of the B station is not clear at the moment. On the one hand, through abundant resource repository, no patch advertising and strong AGC atmosphere, B station has accumulated a group of enviable, strong and active young users. On the other hand, the high bandwidth and copyright cost have been a stumbling block for website profitability. The video without copyright also brings several disputes and brand negative effects to B station. The core value of B station is its pure two dimension atmosphere. When people mention two times now, they will think of B station, and the hesitating between culture and commercialization is also necessary.